Sunday, October 29, 2023

Chapter 6

Over the next couple weeks I had gotten into a routine. Fighting demons by night, sleeping till mid afternoon, then knowing that Seth spent time after work on his deck, winding down, usually having a beer, I took up jogging past his house. I loved being on the beach, near the ocean, and the jogging helped me retain my endurance. I also wanted to make sure I kept up his curiosity and to eventually establish a relationship. Going over things in my head, I knew that Seth had a big stunt coming up soon involving skydiving. Caitlyn got a job on the shoot. Nothing like having connections, and she would be covering the female's part in the stunt.

Seth had just gotten home. "Man, I'm tired,” he thought. Seems like all he did was jump out of buildings and land on air bags. His whole body hurt. Seth went into the bathroom to take a hot shower. Afterwards he grabbed a beer and went out onto his deck to enjoy the sunset. He had been sitting there about five minutes when he noticed a lone woman jogging down the beach.

Even from a distance he could tell she was good looking. Athletic build, not supermodel skinny. If he wasn't so tired, he'd get up and try to talk to her, so he just sat there and admired. Seth didn't recall seeing her before, maybe either just moved in or was staying with someone.

As she passed by his house he felt a warm sensation on his chest. It was right where the cross was resting. He had worn the cross everyday since that woman had given it to him that night, but this was the first time he had felt the warmth. The feeling faded as the woman disappeared down the beach. Seth thought it was just a coincidence.

Opening up another beer, Seth headed out towards the water, walking slowly, enjoying the feel of the warm sand under his feet. He stood at the water's edge, listening to the ocean, letting it calm his soul. All of sudden he could feel the warmth again. Glancing around he saw that the woman jogger had just passed him. By the time he had gathered his wits, she was too far to catch her. He would see if he could find her. It was now too much of a coincidence that that wasn't the same woman who had rescued him.

Caitlyn made it back to her own house. I had felt the warmth too. It would all happen soon. As I went up the steps from the beach to the deck, I was startled by a person lounging on one of her deck chairs, having helped themselves to some refreshments.

"Shelia," I said, leaning a hip on the railing, crossing my arms across my chest.

"Caitlyn," Shelia replied coolly, taking a sip of the drink she had made.

"What have you been up to? Haven't seen you in awhile," I asked, trying to seem disinterested.

"Just out kicking demon ass, as usual," Shelia replied, standing up. Shelia was taller than me and I am not a short person, about 5'11 to my 5'8. I straightened up and the two of us stood facing each other. Finally the two of us broke into smiles, hugging.

"God, I've missed you Shelia."

"I've missed you, too," Shelia said, giving me a bear hug, which she was good at. Shelia thrived on physical fighting, usually heads taller that any demon. One good punch usually just broke there necks. Me. I am a weapons person, not caring to get all that close to the demons..........…

Taking Shelia's hand I led her back into the house. "Can you stay?" I asked.

"Sure I can stay and we can catch up on old times, but I am sure you surmised there is more to my visit," Shelia said.

"I knew it was coming, though I am glad they sent you."

"I was due some time off and I volunteered,"Shelia said, smiling.

"How long can you stay?" I asked, "I have a room you can use."

"I have till the end of the week, then we need to go see the counsel of three," Shelia said, stretching out on my couch. "So things have started?" she asked.

"It has come full circle. I rescued him a couple weeks ago, though I got hurt and Colin had him help me. I gave him the cross that night. It has been getting warm whenever we are near each other. I know he has been noticing it, too," I said.

Shelia nodded her head.

"I'm going to go get a drink of water. I'll be right back."

"No prob,": Shelia replied. Making my way back I plopped down in an oversized chair, propping my feet up on an ottoman.

" Colin still with you?" Shelia asked, trying to be casual about it. I knew she had feelings for Colin, but she never told anyone. Through the centuries, I would sometimes catch her looking wistfully at him whenever the three of us were together.

"Yes, Colin and I are still together. He should be back in the next day or two. He is out of town following a particularly bad group," I said.

"I had heard about that. I was in Europe so I couldn't go. Would have loved to though," she said wistfully.

"Well, I hope you brought a bathing suit. Colin got bit by the surfing bug. When he is not fighting, sleeping or eating, he's surfing. Maybe he can teach you," I said, sort of trying to give her a hint of a way to spend time with Colin.

"Maybe," Shelia said. "What do you want to do tonight? Do you want to maybe go out to a club or something?"

"Sure, we can do that," I said, "let me show you to your room."

We went to The Whiskey, down on Sunset, the place where a lot of the heavy metal bands got started. The place usually had pretty good music. I really liked heavy metal music. The darkness and freakiness appealed to me. Sometimes I felt like a freak. I don't always want to be what I am. Shelia was in training when I was, but she was there because she wanted to be. It was like going to school for her. Both her parents were Watchers and they were both alive. Me, I lost my parents and I had no where else to go.

The three of us had been there together. I always did my job, but my heart was never in it. Maybe that's why I loved weapons. I could be farther away and never had to touch them much. Shelia liked the contact, the fighting, it helped her temper as she had a volitale personality, but very loyal to her friends. She just enjoyed kicking ass. Colin liked the fighting part, too, especially after a gazillion episodes of Walker, Texas Ranger. He was always trying some karate move. He was like a sponge when it came to TV and movies. He always made her laugh.

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