Friday, October 27, 2023

Chapter 4

Caitlyn made it home, coincidentally about 5 houses down from her human. I loved the ocean. I shared the house with Colin, to whom I called out for, as I made my way into the house, but there was no answer. I looked at my watch. It was about 4 am. Well, either he wasn't back from the confrontation or he was surfing. I went to my room to change clothes. Leaving on my turtleneck, I took off my pants and boots, slipping on a pair of sweat pants. I padded barefoot out the back door and onto the sand. I walked towards the water. 

Sitting down on the still warm sand, I stared out at the waves and the moon's reflection on the water. Reaching up I took the pins out of my hair, loving the feel of the wind in my hair. I wrapped my arms around my legs and rested my chin on my knees. I started to think back to when Seth was a merchantman, shipping goods from the Carolina’s to England and the Caribbean.

She and Colin, in order to watch over Seth, got into the pirate biz, mostly to take care of other pirates who were demons, keeping to the same routes as her human. Our shipmates were other watchers. She and Colin had pulled into the same port and had gone into a local pub, quietly sitting down at a table in the shadows, our backs to the wall, nursing a couple pints of ale.

She had been keeping an eye on a particularly scummy pirate. He captained two ships, one which he recently acquired, letting his first mate pilot the second ship. The idiot always talked too much when he drank.

As always, she knew when He was coming cause my heart started to beat faster. Sure enough Seth came through the door with his first mate. In this lifetime he was know as Jon. They sat at a table. They were happy about their transactions and were drinking and flirting with the waitress.

Caitlyn experienced a moment of jealousy, but could do nothing as it was not my time. She could hear the pirate conspire to attack her human for his merchandise. Having made their plans the pirates left.

It was a couple days out before the pirates attacked. There were two ships to his one, so I evened the odds, coming up behind the two pirate ships. That positioned them between me and my human. After about two hours, the pirate ships turned tale and ran, not having anticipated the second ship, cutting their losses.

Her human hailed my ship and invited her and the crew over. Of course we went. We talked, had dinner together and spent the night making beautiful love. She left after he fell asleep. That had been one of my more memorable times with him. 
I sighed. As was her habit, normally I would have spent the night, but I knew this was the lifetime I would be with him. I could wait.

Seth was dreaming........ His ship was being attacked. It was shortly after dawn and he had spotted a ship coming at him quickly. He tried to outrun it, but with the hold of his ship filled with cargo, he was too slow. He prepared to fight. The other ship was getting closer when he saw the one ship become two. The other had been in the silhouette of the other one. Well, he wasn't going down without a fight.

They were into the battle, his ship had sustained some damage, but so far holding his own though not for long, when he heard additional cannon fire. Screaming to his first mate, he wanted to know what the hell was going on. The mate yelled back that there was a third ship, but that it was firing on the pirates. Jon couldn't think of one person around that would help, but he was glad of it.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, the two pirate ships left, probably thinking the odds not in their favor. He watched as the other ship approached. He wanted to meet the captain and express his appreciation. As the ship got closer, he noticed something odd about the colors they flew. The flag had two swords crossed with the silhouette of a face, but the unusual part was it was a female with flowing hair.

Jon waited on the deck, while his first mate saw to the welfare of his crew and ship. A couple of his crew threw a rope ladder over the side so the captain and mates of the other ship could come aboard. He saw a dark headed man come up over the railing, straighten up and walk towards him. Jon thought, even though he was tall, dark and had a forbidding look to him, he was a bit young to be captain of his own ship, but gave him the benefit of the doubt. Jon walked forward to shake the man's hand.

"My name is Captain Jon. I want to thank you for helping us out."

Colin, trying to hold in his laughter, said with all seriousness, "Glad to meet you Captain Jon. You're welcome, but my name is Colin. I am the first mate." pausing, making sure he had Jon's attention before turning towards the railing. "That is my Captain." Colin looked at Jon to see his reaction to see the Captain, a female captain.

Same as always, Colin thought, smiling to himself, he saw Jon's jaw drop, his eyes widening in disbelief, that there was a female aboard ship, let alone a female captain. There were a few female pirates but not many in these days. It was considered bad luck to have a female aboard ship.

Jon watched, standing there in disbelief, as the most gorgeous woman walked towards him. She was almost as tall as him, walking with confidence, looking him in the eye. He liked that. Most women of his acquaintance too subservient, no fire. He knew he had met his match.

Colin said, "Captain Jon, allow me to introduce my captain, Captain Caitlyn, of the Dark Angel."

Caitlyn looked into the eyes of her human. I missed him. It had been a long time since I had been with him. I reached out to shake his hand.

Jon gave himself a mental shake, feeling like he was coming out of a trance and shook the woman's hand. She had a strong grip, and it was calloused leading him to believe she did work on her ship, not just letting the crew do all the work. he liked that. He hated laziness.

"May I call you Caitlyn?" Jon asked.

"Certainly, Jon," I said.

"Would you care to join me in my cabin for a drink?" Jon asked, stepping aside, indicating the way with a sweep of his hand.

Looking him in the eye and said, "I would love to...Jon," and preceded him to his cabin.