Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Chapter 3

She was dreaming. She was standing in the shadows, having seen her parent's death. They had been killed. Tears streaming down her face, too young to help, finding out for the first time who she was. A Watcher. Their home burned. Her parents were different. Her mother, a vampire. Her father, a mortal. Villagers found out and in early England, people didn't like the unknown.

She was all alone now. An old gypsy woman found her three days later hiding in a bush near her home. The woman took her in and taught her all that she knew about herbs, healing, gypsy lore, and about her. How the old woman knew about vampire stuff, she would never know. The woman wouldn't tell her.

One of the rules she later found out, was if she fell in love she had to wait till the name of that person went full circle, no matter how many years or lifetimes. In the meantime she would watch and protect, using the time to mature and to learn to control and use her powers. And then, when the time came, she could unite with her soul mate, being released from service and be able to grow old in human years. She had a feeling this time was now.

Her dream shifted. She was in a dark hallway of the Earl's castle. She was working as a maid. She reached his room. He was waiting for her. Beautiful, tall blond. She was going to break his heart tonight. Because of her heritage and the class distinctions of the times, he needed a wife of his own class and human. She was leaving to join the sect.

His name was Sebastian, but everyone called him Seth. It was a nickname he picked up due to his younger sibling couldn't pronounce his name. Opening the door, she moved inside and closed the door. Standing there a moment looking at him...…

"Caitlyn," Seth said, hugging her, lifting her off her feet. She wrapped her arms around him and held tight. Carrying her to the bed, Seth said, "Caitlyn, I love you. I don't care about class or where you were born. I want you to marry me."

"Seth," she whispered, between kisses, "Just love me."

The night was beautiful. She carried that moment in her heart. She left when Seth fell asleep. She started her training that night. Caitlyn would occasionally check in on him without his knowledge, her heart crying to see his pain, which showed less and less through the years. He eventually married and had kids, but Caitlyn always knew he waited for her.

Seth awoke with a start, having heard the woman call his name. Looking down at her, her eyes slammed open, staring right at him, scaring the crap outta him. Her eyes were almost unholy, solid black. He blinked, looked again and they were midnight blue. He must have been mistaken. Warily, he asked, "How do you know my name?"

"What do you mean?" I asked trying to assess my situation, and trying to figure out why I was laying there in my underwear in my human's house.

"You said my name. It woke me up."

Nonchalantly I said, not looking at him in the eye and said, "It must have been something I was dreaming of. A coincidence. Where are my clothes?" I asked. I rose looking for my clothes. All I had on was a bra and tank top, and a pair of underwear. At least he didn't undress me all the way.

Seth, looking at her, noticed her bruises where lighter, commented, "You know those bruises look a lot lighter, like they are days old, not hours old."

Knowing what he was thinking, I tried to blow it off. "I heal quickly," I said slipping on my pants that I had finally located.

Seth watched as she dressed. Her pants fit like a second skin. She pulled on a black turtle neck, that really emphasized her breasts. The woman the walked over to the mirror and wrapped all that gorgeous hair back into a bun, making her look sleek and feral. Lastly she put on her trench.

Finished dressing, I reached into my coat pocket and felt the metal cross. I would give it to him as a token of my appreciation, but also for protection. I was glad he hadn't asked a lot of questions, as I was not prepared to answer yet. Outwardly I appeared calm, confidant, but inside I just wanted to throw it all away for him. But there were steps to follow. I wanted time to get to know him and vise versa. 

Caitlyn walked up to Seth and said, "Seth, you said your name was Seth."

"Yes. Well actually it is Sebastian, but my baby sister had a hard time pronouncing it so it came out Seth," he replied, not knowing why he was giving a complete stranger this information. She was a stranger, wasn't she?

"Seth," I said taking his hand in mine, turning it palm up, "thank you for your help." I dropped the cross into his hand and closed his fingers over it, holding his hand a moment, looking into his eyes. It had come full circle. They were connected.

Seth all of a sudden saw his life flash before his eyes, but....not his life or was it? He saw flashes of a castle and ships. Of cowboys and families. And a woman.

Caitlyn knew what Seth was seeing. I would eventually explain it to him, but I didn't think he was ready. To help him forget for now, I leaned in and kissed him. The fire between us was warm, brilliant, and beautiful. I wanted him. Man, I gotta go. I stepped back, let go of his hand and said, "Be safe," and walked towards the door.

Seth, regaining his wits, said, "Hey will I see you again?"

Looking over my shoulder, with the warmest gaze I could muster, as I was so used to looking cold and distant, said, "Yes." and closed the door. I moved quickly out of the building and out into the night.