Saturday, October 21, 2017

Chapter 2

Years later...
I was perched on the roof of a building watching the human race go by, down below, like tiny ants. It was dark, though not yet midnight. Standing up, I moved closer to one of the towers on top of the building, wanting to protect my back, so no one or nothing could come up behind me. It was wintertime and the building was near the ocean, so it was cold and misty wet. 

The wind whipped the bottom of my trench bringing with it the smell of the Pacific Ocean and wet concrete. My dark brown, sable colored hair was pulled back, tight, in a bun, unable to feel the wind whipping through it. I had my hair confined because I couldn't afford to to have it hinder my vision or be used against me in a fight. My outfit, that matched my austere hair, was my favorite. All black leather, though fashioned more like buckskin. It had a matte finish, so it didn't reflect light. Lightweight, soft, feathery, quiet.

All seemed quiet, I thought, so I let my mind wander tonight, thinking back to my childhood...

She had seen her parents killed as a young girl and had been taken in by an old gypsy woman. Ages ago it was, or so it seemed. Thanks to her parents, she was part vampire, part human. We were part of a sect to protect humans. 

Though it was highly discouraged, she went and fell in love with a human. She followed his soul from one life to the next, protecting him, loving him. She would watch, as his soul was reborn over the centuries. As he grew up, she watched over him. Sometimes he had a family, sometimes not, but in all things she watched over him. She was allowed to help him where she could, except with natural causes.

The first time she fallen in love with him had been in the 1700's. She had been a young girl in human years, working in his household. The old gypsy woman had gotten her the job. He had been the Earl, she had been a maid. His soul traveled through the ages. From being an Earl to a merchantman. Scouting across the US, through various occupations, to what he was now. A stuntman. He would age and die. She had to live through the heartache.

It was now 2004. She was about 25 in human years, about 400 in vampire years. She was a Watcher, a protector of the human race. Her ancestry allowed her to move in the daytime or nighttime. She preferred the night though, as she felt better then, because it hid her face and it helped hide her emotions.

My quiet night was interrupted when I felt someone else. It was Colin, my best friend. Probably my only friend, having met him the first day of my training. He just didn't let my standoffish personality get in his way of imparting fun and sarcasm. He loved trying to get on my last nerve. But upon his next words, it wasn't going to be tonight.

"Colin, what brings you here? I thought you were hanging with the surf crowd," I asked, not looking at him, standing still with my arms crossed over my chest, trying to exhibit an air of disinterest. 

"Am. Was. I really like the whole surf thing. Major fun," he said with a smile in his voice, a bit of Keannu Reeves coming through. Colin loved movies. But his pacing reflected his anxiousness to fight the demons and to let Caitlyn know her human was their target.

"Then what's up?" trying to sound irritated.

"Caitlyn. We think something is going down tonight. With the full moon, the demon activity is high," Colin said, looking at me, then out over the street below.

"Why me? I am not necessarily on duty tonight," I replied, looking out over the tops of the buildings.

"They think the demons are on the move, close by, and they think your human may be one of the targets," Colin said, with sympathy. He knew of my love for my human.

That got my attention. Looking at Colin, I said, "Well, let's go."

The two of us walked to the side of the building that faced the alley and leapt off. Our trenches were designed to help us glide to the ground. Landing lightly on our feet, we walked to the corner of the building, standing in the shadows. With my back to the wall, the cold wet stone against my hands, I looked out onto the street. I saw a local pub down the street, which had been my intent all along. Light from the electric sign illuminated the street. The door to the pub was like a strobe light with so many people going in and out. It was a Friday night, but dang, there were a lot of humans.

I started to feel my heart beat faster. At that moment my human came out of the bar. He was with friends. I watched as he said goodbye to his friends and cross the street. As if in slow motion I watched a set of headlights come on and the car start speeding towards him. Colin and I started running. I ran hard, not sure if I would reach him in time. As I was running, other demons went after his friends, leaving the other watchers to battle them, Colin included.

I reached my human and pushed him out of the way just as the car slammed into me. He rolled and I flew over across the hood, over the top of the car and fell to the ground, unconscious. The car sped away, no doubt filled with demons. Colin saw what happened and reached me at the same time as my human.

Colin grabbed the man's lapel and said, "Get her out of here. Now!"

The human, somewhat confused, not understanding what was going on, but sensed the urgency and fear in the young man's voice and just nodded his consent, while looking down at this woman who had just saved his life. 

"Maybe I should call an ambulance?" he said as an after thought.

"NO. Don't call the police or anyone else," Colin growled, "just get her out of here. She'll be OK in awhile." 

The human, with the help of Colin picked her up and carried her to his truck. The young man took off as soon as he saw Caitlyn was OK.

He drove along PCH (Pacific Coast Highway), finally reaching Santa Monica. He had a small little bungalow right on the beach. He was glad for the truck because the seats put her at the right height to slide her out and carry her. He didn't have to lift her out of some ground scraping little car. He made it into the house and over to the couch, laying her down. Staring down at the woman he realized she was very beautiful, Judging by the paleness of her skin, she was not a lover of sun tanning as was done by most L.A. females. He wondered if maybe her and her friends had been to some rock concert as she was dressed all in black.

He removed the pins that were holding her hair in place at the back of her neck, so she wasn't laying on that knot of hair. Spreading out her hair, he couldn't help touching it. It was thick and soft to the touch. A dark sable brown with some red highlights. He managed to remove her clothes, noticing the bruises she attained during his rescue. Making himself comfortable he sat next to her, nursing a drink, keeping watch over her, but ultimately fell asleep.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Chapter 1

Caitlyn was hidden at the edge of the woods surrounding the dwelling she shared with her parents. 

"Sweetheart, I love you. Your Father loves you. Please stay here no matter what you see or hear. We are so proud of you. Always trust your gut instinct," her mother implored. Her mother hugged her one last time, again, telling her to stay hidden and don't make a sound.  Then she  tucked Caitlyn into the bushes and ran back to her father before the mob found her. 

Caitlyn was hiding in her hidey-hole inside a thick bush. She could see out but no one could see in. She kept a few items in there like a blanket and a little bit of food.

"Mama," she whispered forlornly, as she crouched down and peered through the branches.

Caitlyn watched and listened as the mob descended on her home. She could hear them yelling stuff like 'kill the witches!' and 'kill the bloodsuckers!'. All of a sudden she heard windows breaking and saw the orange flames start, licking up to the sky. Her heart was beating so fast, her fear mounting.

She saw the vision that would haunt her forever. Her parents were being dragged out of their home. They were so strong. No begging. She vowed to make them proud of her from then on. Her mother started singing, so beautifully, in their language. Those humans had no idea what she was singing but Caitlyn did. As her mother sang, the tears started to fall. The shaking started. She hugged her blanket striving to stay quiet. Right up to the end her mother sang for her to close her eyes and remember their love for her and that they will always watch over her. And to stay hidden. Caitlyn followed her edict, falling asleep with tears and dirt plastered to her face knowing her parents were no longer.

The Gypsy, known as Vadoma, her name meaning "to know", experienced the feeling of death. It was then that she knew another one of the sect was murdered in ignorance. She was ashamed of her human race. 

"Damn filthy, ignorant savages," she mumbled under her breath, as she started to get ready for her journey.

She had no powers like they did, but she could heal and she had a vast knowledge of the land. Plus, she had the 'sight', which she used to barter for things, with others, by reading their fortune. She took care of the sect and in return they took care of her. 

Finally, she had some essentials packed in her satchel and she started off into the woods.

It took Vadoma three days to get to the girl. Even though she couldn't hear the singing she could 'hear' it, though it had since gone silent forever. She finally came upon the bush. She looked inside. There she saw a young girl, caked in dirt and her own filth, though it was not her fault, as her mother had told her not to come out of hiding and she didn't. Vadoma would fix that.

She called out to The Girl in her own language. 

"Girl, you can come out now. Your dear mum sent me to take care of you now." 

Vadoma heard rustling and was rewarded with a pair of dark blue eyes, almost black. That was the vampire in her. The eyes peered out at her from between the branches.

"Who are you," The Girl queried softly.

"I am called Vadoma The Gypsy. I help take care of your people and they, in return, take care of me," Vadoma responded.

"And what is your name?" Vadoma asked in return.

Caitlyn decided she was telling the truth and replied, "Caitlyn," as she came out of hiding only to start crying again.

"What's wrong my girl?" The Gypsy asked.

"I am not clean," she said, hanging her head in embarrassment.

"Do not to worry. I will help you get clean," Vadoma said softly, tucking a bit of Caitlyn's dark sable colored hair behind her ear.

Vadoma stood, took Caitlyn's hand, and together they walked until they came to a small, meandering creek. Stopping at the water's edge, Vadoma dug out a small cake of soap and had Caitlyn wash.

"It will be cold, but there is no help for it. While you wash I will lay out a clean tunic for you to wear," The Gypsy said, as she dug around in her satchel. She gestured to the girl to go wash and she started to gather some firewood.

Caitlyn made her way into the water and washed. After she was done with her body, The Gypsy helped her with her hair.

"Thank you," Caitlyn said gratefully, as she slipped the tunic over her head.

"You are welcome. If you follow me back up to the top of the bank, I have a small fire in which to warm yourself and some food to ease your hunger. It should tide you over until we arrive back at my dwelling," she said as she portioned out the food.

"Where do you live?" she asked, between bites of food.

"About two days from here. So when you are done eating, get some sleep. We will leave when it gets dark. It is safer to travel that way. I will watch over you."

"OK." Once she was done eating she laid down next to the small, warm fire.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017


Your Fantasy Princess has started a new story. Please keep in mind this is strictly fantasy. I am by no means an authority on the material I am writing about. It is just made up by me and about 24 years of romance novel reading. It isn't meant to follow any specific lore, knowledge, fact or etiquette. So please don't call me to the carpet if I get something wrong or it isn't how it is portrayed in the movies or books. This is what came out of my brain. So here goes. I hope you like it.