Friday, November 3, 2023

Chapter 7

"Hey," Shelia said, getting my attention, "so you want to go? It's pretty dead here."

"Sure. Let's go back to the house," I said.

"So tell me about your human," Shelia inquired, after we got home.

"Shelia, I love him so much. All these years it hasn't changed. I am so glad it is almost over. I am tired of waiting," I said, the tiredness in my soul reflected in my voice.

"But he has the cross now, right?"

"Yes. The ones that my mother's sister gave to me, the ones my parents wore. He has one and I have one. Ever since the night I gave it to him, whenever he is close by it gets warm. I know he is beginning to suspect. I passed him on the beach and he looked at me and I saw awareness in his eyes."

"When are you going to tell him?"

"Not till after I meet with the counsel. I want to make sure I won't be denied."

"I don't think so. I am sure it is just a formality," Shelia replied.

"I hope so," I said under my breath as I stood up, "I'm going to bed. If you need anything just help yourself."

"Sure. I'll be headed up shortly. Nite."


It was a couple nights later when Colin got back. He burst through the door in his usual exuberant way yelled, "Cait I'm home! Anyone here?" Making his way through the living room he walked through the slider door out onto the deck. He pulled up short. 'Shelia' he thought. She's here. Colin stood there, old feelings of awkwardness coming to the surface.

Shelia turned around to look at Colin. She wanted to say something pleasant but all that came out was, "Stringbean," but he sure wasn't now.

Colin always hated that nickname. So what if he was tall awkward and skinny when he was younger, after a couple hundred years he managed to fill out. Replying he said, "Amazon." He knew she hated that name. She didn't always like being bigger and taller than all the other females. Because of that Shelia always seemed to have to prove herself. Never letting down her tough image. Sometimes Colin wished she would, cause a lot of times she just plain scared the crap outta him.

"So how did it go?" Shelia asked.

"Business as usual. No one got hurt," Colin said.

"I'm glad," Shelia said.

Colin thought he heard a bit of softness in there somewhere.

"Where's Cait?"

"She took a walk on the beach," Shelia said, watching Colin look off in the direction she had headed. Obviously Colin knows the human's direction, too.

"Well, I am going to change and do a little surfing. Shelia? I'll see you later?" Colin asked politely.

"Yes. I am staying here awhile."

"Good," and Colin turned to go back in the house. Colin felt a hand on his arm, briefly.

"Colin. Could I go with you? I mean...could you teach me to surf?" Shelia asked. When Colin didn't respond right away Shelia took that as a rejection, her defenses coming back up and said, "That's OK. Never mind." Getting all stiff and started to turn away.

Colin didn't answer right away due to complete surprise of the request, but snapped out of it, and said, "No, Shelia, wait. No, it's cool. I'll teach you. Do you have something to change into?"

"I do," She said.

"Then meet me down on the beach in a few moments." And they both went to change.

After about a half an hour or so found Shelia looking like a drown rat, but having a great time. Her last try she was doing OK till she lost her balance and fell, the wave taking her under. Colin dove in to help her surface. They came up together, the water about waist deep. Colin looked into Shelia's eyes, slowly lowering his head and kissed Shelia. A long deep kiss during which she threw her arms around him. Leaning back, hands resting on her shoulders, Colin asked, "How come you never said anything before?"

"I was afraid. I didn't think you liked me, thinking I was a big ugly girl. I was never very feminine."

"I liked you well enough, but quite frankly, you scare the be-jeebers out of me. For a long time you were bigger than me. I was always afraid you would kick my butt," Colin said looking into her eyes, a slight smile on his face.

"I probably still could," she said, smiling.

"I'd probably let you," Colin said as he leaned in to kiss Shelia again......